The Great American Shakeout

It is almost that time again! Gallman Consulting will be participating in “The Great American Shakeout” on Thursday October 20st at 10:20am!

Our staff will take a minute on Thursday to identify items in our offices that could become “falling objects” during an earthquake, once identified, they will determine if there is a way to reduce the risk of the falling object to be a hazard during an earthquake. A real earthquake event is not a planned event, so our staff will practice taking cover at 10:20am tomorrow whether in their office, visiting another location, in another office within their branch, if they were driving down the road, at home or even out shopping.

Earthquakes can range from a small unnoticeable event to a catastrophic life changing event. This drill may seem unnecessary now but one day it may help prevent someone from experiencing a catastrophic life changing injury.

Up and Running: How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)

In this eBook, we will talk about:

  • Whether it’s possible to be productive in extreme circumstances
  • Identifying the changes that will mark “the new normal”
  • The importance of safety
  • The challenges employees and employers face in boosting productivity
  • How you can improve productivity by focusing on employee health – both physical and mental
  • Tips for managing remote and blended teams
  • Using schedule optimization to promote productivity
  • The best partnership you can form to help navigate workforce changes

Do You Know These 4 Safety Musts?

Worksites are dangerous places. There are power tools and heavy machinery in use. There may be debris falling from a height. It’s why so many construction sites are fenced off from public access. Of course, as an employee, you also face dangers on the site. That’s why you need to know these four safety musts.  

Use the Right Tool 

Job sites can come under intense pressure to get things done now if a project falls behind. This can lead to on-site shortcuts like using whatever tool comes to hand rather than getting the right tool. Using the wrong tool for a job is a very good way to end up with an unnecessary injury or to damage something on the worksite. Plus, as often as not, you end spending more time trying to get the wrong tool to work than you would have spent getting the right tool.  

Don’t Overwork Yourself 

Experienced workers know how dangerous it can be to show up to work exhausted. Power tools and heavy machinery do not mix well with sleep deprivation. Too little sleep not only makes you dangerous to yourself, but it also makes you dangerous to your coworkers. Being overtired diminishes your reflexes. It also impairs your judgment almost as much as drinking a couple of beers before work. Do your best to set up your schedule so you can get enough sleep before work. 

Use the Safety Gear Your Company Provides 

Companies don’t provide safety gear on a whim. They do it because safety gear prevents injuries. They also do it in some cases because the law requires them to do it. If the state or federal government passed a law about it, you have to know some pretty bad things happened first. You should make a point of learning wear the safety gear is stored, as well as any first aid equipment. That empowers you to get your gear as soon as you arrive and to offer first aid help quickly in the event that someone is injured.  

Don’t Accept Tasks You Aren’t Qualified to Do 

It can be tough to say no when your supervisor or manager asks you to do something. It can also be extremely dangerous to say yes if you aren’t trained for the task. You need to know your own skillset so you can explain why you shouldn’t be given a task, but say that you’re willing to learn if someone knowledgeable will show you.  

Be Safety-Minded 

The best way for you to stay safe is to be safety-minded. Understand the limits of your skills. Say no when someone asks to work beyond them. Use your safety gear, even if you think it’s foolish. Retrieve the right tool for the job. Get enough sleep. Taken as a group, all of these actions will help you get home unhurt.  

9 Questions to Ask Yourself about Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is a haunting fear for employees and employers alike. It’s not a casual concern either. The BLS reports that nearly 19000 people were traumatized or killed by workplace violence in 2017 alone. If you want to provide your employees with a safe work environment, here are nine questions you should ask yourself. 

Do You Maintain a Workplace Violence Policy? 

While violence against another person is illegal in general, most workplaces set out a formal policy as well. These policies generally take the form of automatic dismissal for any act of violence. The threat of losing one’s job may just stay someone’s hand if they’re made aware early on.  

Do You Offer Employee Assistance Programs or Could You? 

Workplace violence often stems from pressures outside of the job, either financial or emotional. Do you offer financial assistance programs? Counseling? If not, consider staring such programs. 

Do You Encourage Emotional/Mental Health Activities? 

Many workplaces encourage emotional/mental health activities by sponsoring them. A simple example is offering flexible scheduling. This lets people better manage their home life.  

Do Managers Have the Right Training to Spot Warning Behavior? 

Managers are often best placed to spot an employee in trouble. They still need the proper training to identify troubled employees before things escalate. 

Do You Maintain a Process for Ending Employment? 

A formal process for ending someone’s employment sets out procedures that help control that person’s exit. The process can prevent physical altercations by, for example, having security present.  

Do You Maintain a Formal Process for Reporting Threats? 

If you don’t have a formal process for reporting threats, consider setting one up. This can allow more timid employees to make reports without having to confess to a trauma publicly.  

Do You Maintain Basic Security at Entry Points? 

Security at entry points for your business can make the difference between an ex-employee or disgruntled spouse getting inside or not. Keycards or barcoded badges are a simple solution. 

Can You Use Technology to Limit Potential Violence? 

Security companies and computer scientists have developed programs that can assess historical data and offer predictions of future behaviors. Do you employ technology like this to analyze complaints and reprimands for your employees? If you employ a large number of employees, it may prove invaluable in protecting everyone. 

Do You Provide Ongoing Training for Emergency Situations? 

The average person isn’t prepared for an emergency situation. They need the training to make smart choices. If you aren’t offering emergency training, such as active shooter training, it’s time to make that happen. 

You Can Do a Lot to Prevent Workplace Violence 

Employers can take a lot of steps to minimize workplace violence. You can offer assistance programs, training, and encourage emotional wellness. You can also create processes for termination, threat reporting, and install security at entry points. As with most safety issues, preparation can dramatically improve your outcomes.